Plastic Tree Logo in Reverse Color


Trees planted on behalf of our customers so far!

Trees planted on behalf of our customers so far!

Waste By The Numbers….

Each year 1 Billion pounds of plastic packaging line market shelves across the United States.
That’s 1,693 plastic bottles / packages produced in the United States each second. 
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According to the EPA, the annual rate for recycling plastic in the U.S. hovers at around 9%.
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Going Zero-Waste... As Easy As Throwing Something Away


  1. Toss dry, undamaged, reusable packaging into the REUSE! Bin.
  2. We collect your REUSE! pickup on your designated day.
  3. We sort, track, process items as needed to maximize material recovery
  4. Material is sent to local end markets and partners for REUSE instead of landfill or incineration
  5. Items that cannot be REUSED! will be donated, recycled, or processed into new products

Our Commitment

Our service collects reusable packaging and  to divert from landfills and incineration while offsetting the production of new packaging. We are a climate positive waste management company which means:

  • All of our REUSE! Bins are reused or made from 100% recycled content.
  • We plant one tree per household per month
  • We operate a 100% electric / zero-emission fleet for our waste collection services

Plastic Tree Makes Reuse a Reality

Ever wonder where those goods you put in the recycling bin actually go? With all the news about China restricting US recycling imports and cities across the country downsizing their recycling programs, you certainly aren’t alone.

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